One of the ways to share joy during the holidays is to give in meaningful ways.

Giving that supports artists and giving personalized gifts to friends both hit the spot.

I've compiled a list of ways you can do both at the same time with me and my friends.
The List
Notecard Portraits
One-of-kind abstract portraits. No two are alike, just like people!
Tap Dance Tutorials
Gift a subscription for Weekly Tap Dance Tutorials. Perfect for the tap dancer in your life.
New Music
Music doesn't get gifted in the way it used to be, but that's not an excuse for not sharing music during the holidays!
House of Waters
I've been friends with these cats for a long time (check out my TEDx talk with Max ZT below), and now they are Grammy Nominated!

Check out their music and merch.
Max + Andrew at TEDxGateway
Lil' Cake Toppers
From my friend E, request your own custom wooden selfie, or make your own with a special kit!
David Chang
David is one of the most expressive Calligraphy artists I know. His commissions are great for the home or office!