I got valuable lessons and understandings from working with Andrew that I don’t believe I could have gotten from anyone else.
Gina N.
Tap Dance Coaching Client

Interactive Floor!

An Interactive Tap Dance Floor that everyone can learn to play.

New Book!

Over 25 years of performance and teaching experience packed in one package!

Practice + Inspiration

Free ebook, listening lists, watch lists, and more!

Weekly Tutorials

Want some consistent and low cost inspiration? Want to get challenged on demand with a variety of tap dance steps?

The Breakdowns are weekly Tap Dance Tutorials delivered straight to your inbox. Subscribe to gain access to a searchable archive of past episodes.

Dance Studios

Services for Dance Studios include in-studio workshops, tap dance + music intensives, and curriculum consultations.

for Educators

Want a quick way to multiply your current content? Want to increase your confidence in teaching, expand your methodology, and diversify your curriculum?

The Method is a complete set of resources designed from the start for the tap dance educator.

for Artists

Resources for artists, creators, and explorers of tap dance.

The Littles

Want to bring tap dance to your school or camp? Want to share the joy of tap dancing with the little ones in your community?

Explore Tap Dance Land with Andrew Nemr brings school assembly presentations and workshops to students 3-5 years old.

These programs inspire little ones to move, make music, and express themselves with their whole bodies.

Trusted by


Mentored by Gregory Hines, Andrew began dancing at the age of 3 1/2. His love for dancing started at a local dance studio, and was transformed when he saw the movie TAP.

He was quickly provided the opportunity to know and be mentored by some of the best tap dancers in the world.

They imparted a joy and care for the art of tap dance that Andrew has continued to share throughout his career.

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Get all the news about Andrew's tap dance resources.